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Freitag, 25. Mai 2018

Avion and Silverlake - A trip to Richard and Dion Neutra

Avion and Silverlake - A Trip to Richard and Dion Neutra

Video (2017/18)
Camera, editing, text, idea: Julia Zinnbauer
36 min.

The video entitled „Avion and Silverlake“ documents my visits to the architect Dion Neutra in Los Angeles Silverlake and also to Avion Village, a residential area located close to Dallas, Texas, that was designed by Richard Neutra in the early 1940ies. „Avion and Silverlake“ deals with my very personal approach to post-war modernist architecture. 

When during my visit to Dion Neutra I mentioned that I was on my way to Dallas in order to take part in an exhibition, he gave me a hint about Avion Village. Thus my originally short video soon turned into a roadmovie that led me to the suburbs of Dallas. 

Dion Neutra, Julia Zinnbauer

The story behind „Avion and Silverlake“
I grew up in a bungalow that was built in 1972 in the South West of Germany. As a child I did not know much about modern architecture, I simply enjoyed the large window of my room and that by opening this window I actually opened my whole room and connected it to the garden. I loved the spaciousness of the house, the fact that the kitchen, the dining room and the living room merged into each other and that you could freely move around in the rooms. I loved the proportions and most of all I loved the light. There was a feeling of freedom. Later on I found out that this spirit had been derived from the Bauhaus and also from the Californian Case Study House Program.